Can teachings of Buddha that are valuable to business?
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What is Bhuddha in Business
Today, let’s start a aesthetic journey Buddha in Business Ethics
Life may be of human life of Business life suffering always impact both.
When Suffering apply to Business
– Businesses fail; people may die.
– Due to suffering business cannot run effectively
– suffering not only impact on time & money but human health also.
– Due to suffering not only home but work place also get impacted by conflict.
– However business has best product or services they can then in market effectively.
– Due to suffering person personal or business dream cannot be true or make them real.
Teachings of Buddha
Buddha teaches only one thing that is, suffering and the end of suffering.
As Buddha says about suffering and the end of suffering is it true. Suffering is there. But how end of suffering?
Let’s find out how teachings of Buddha that is valuable to business.
In this blog post we are going to translate Buddha’s reaching in business terms.
Buddhism differences in business practices
Yes, it is necessary that ethics should good at the top of the organization because these values will be copied by coworker in organization.
Ethics of Buddha & His Dhamma
Let’s taste the ethics
Here are some common business notions that open the door to healthier, more effective workplaces that is Buddha’s Sutras for ‘End of Suffering’.
Buddha is good teacher for personnel or team efficiency. You always reach Buddha’s quote that is, you can conquer the world but firstly try to conquer yourself.
Those who what to change their work effectiveness you should be ready to change your own behavior also.
According to Buddha, Dhamma means Style to live personal & social life. Business ethics must be Dhamma of business.
In word of Buddha & Dhamma of business is can be as follows
– Create businesses that are valuable for customers
– Create the products that brings value to employee.
–Create businesses that succeed
Ethics of Buddha & His Sangha
Look at the ways in which businesses create suffering in the world of business and begin to change them. As per Buddha, Sangha means peoples who learn to work together and that is good for results. From nearby 2600 years Buddha’s follower like Sangh of Monk experience of team work. These Buddhas terms learned, translated & utilized in actions by communities called Sangha nearby from 2600 years.
That is same to modern philosophy says that, “An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.”
Ethics of Vipassana
Buddha introduces Vipassana. That is nothing but Stress reduction. Conflict, limit crossing tension or anger impact on efficiency of workplace.
Creates problems for each person and for the entire company, and there are things we have do about that.
The first beneficial effect of Vipassana meditation is relaxation; the second is awareness of the sources of stress and allowing diagnosis and effective response.
After doing VIPASSANA is only result with this technique. Vipassana is process observing breathing by mediator yourself. This is process of observing phenomena arising in the mediator’s body. This is the meditation technique that is helpful to find out suffering and the end of suffering in the business.
Ethics of Buddha & His Kamma
Buddha teaching of Kamma can be say as Preventing a hostile work environment – In the Western terms, this is called the law of cause and effect, and is a key part of diagnosing & solving problems. You should try to change the cause of the problem or suffering vanishes. For this Buddha introduce term of ‘Kushal Kamma’ mean ‘Good Work’. In Buddha terms, this is two core practices: awareness of us and our situation, and awareness of work & here is start of the end of suffering.
As per modern philosophy, ‘Transformation goes from the process up & downs of life. It may be discovery in life. It can be like you are on the moment of tops of mountain or you may be deeply in the valley of desperation. Today skills for success are concentration, discrimination, organization, innovation and communication. That is equal to Buddha’s teaching that is Noble Eightfold Path. That can be applied to business scenario. That is Right speech, Right action, Right thought, Right livelihood, Right view, Right effort, Right concentration and Right intention.
Buddha Sense of Peace
Friends, Buddha is sense of peace, harmony and calmness that it brings to the environment. Today Buddha is not along with us. But Buddha’s statues may fulfill this requirement. That is why Buddha’s statue you can see at home as well as all type of corporate offices worldwide. Buddha’s statue must be symbolism of Spiritual Teacher not any mythology. Buddha’s statue you can see in different poses as well as hand gestures with different meaning. Indeed, the Buddha poses are very important because they reveal the Buddha teachings It is interesting to know & follow consider certain placements of the statue.
Buddha Poses and Mudras
Lets take look on common Buddha Poses and Mudras:
Abhaya Mudra
Statue of Buddha in Abhay Mudra always keep in meeting hall. It is symbolism of fearlessness. Buddha statues always depict the mudra with the flat right hand.
Buddha’s right palm facing away from the body & in flat position in front of the chest.
Statue’s left hand is in Dhyana “meditation” mudra
Dhammachakra Mudra
Statue of Buddha in Dhammachakra Mudra always keep in meeting hall or discussion room. Dhammachakra Mudra is represent the ‘Wheel of Dhamma’ spinning. This statue of Buddha will be with one hand at the level of chest & palm of one hand with finger touching thumb.
Dhyana Mudra
Dhyana Mudra (Meditation Buddha)- This Buddhas Mudra always kept in meditation room or Spirituality room. This statue is for the people who are looking for peace and clam in their lives or for those who wish to improve their own meditation skills. In this mudra, the back of the right hand is resting on the palm of the left hand and both hands are resting flat in the lap.
Bhumisparsha Mudra
Bhumisparsha Mudra is a symbol of Enlightenment)- Bhumisparsha “Earth Touching” Buddha- Buddha is calling the earth to witness the truth. This statue always kept in library or study room.
Varada Mudra
Varada Mudra means Gift Giving- enormous acts of generosity such as renunciation.
Vitarka Mudra
Vitarka Mudra is a symbol for intellectual debate Can be place in discussion room, class room
Reclining Buddha
Reclining Buddha symbol Paranirvana Symbhol of supreme enlightenment during his lifetime
Standing Buddha
Standing Buddha always called as Sukothai originated in 13th century Thailand. Always use in main entrance of corporate.
Laughing Buddha
Laughing Buddha always known as Budai- ubiquitous in East Asia (especially Chinese monk, symbol of bringing wealth and prosperity to devotees.
Medicine Buddha
Statue of Medicine Buddha is always use in hospitals or wellness business.
This is blue skin painted statue with right hand fingers facing downwards & palm facing outward the viewer, a bowl of herbs rests in the left hand upon the lap.
In the right hand of statue there is Myrobalan plant hold in the thumb and forefinger. Myrobalan plant is useful in herbal treatment from ancient time of India.
Buddharupa (literally, the form of the Awakened One). This All time use Buddha mudra worldwide.
Where you customize & manufactured your required statue
Material uses to manufacture the statues are Stainless Steel like Corten Steel, Bronze, Wood, Natural stone & Marble. Marble is a metamorphic rock obtained from limestone in Quarry. Italian Marble is the most popular types of marble stone employed in sculpture such as Pentelic, Parian and Carrara marble. Whereas, Indian marble such as Makrana Marble stone is going to be use as best stones in the world. Tajmahal was built in white Makrana Marble from Rajastan. Please connect with us for your desire customize statue with reliable source of manufacturing.
Friends, Remember words of Albert Einstein Try to be a man of value, not a man of success. & Buddha teaches us this ethics quietly as secretes of success of values.
With few word we conclude
There is beautiful Buddhas quote in Singaalovaada Sutta
The wise and moral man
Shines like a fire on a hilltop
Who does not hurt the flower
Such a man makes his pile
As an anthill, gradually
Grown wealthy, he thus
And firmly binds his friends
To himself.
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